Business Case Assessement:
I have analysed and assessed strategic opportunities on how to develop a partner network and framework for sustainable smart cities. This is based on Bolder Technologies and their partnership with Stavanger Municipality in the development of a new research and development project. The assessment says something about what Bolder must do to fill the business needs. How to organize and which partnerships to link up with so that more people can contribute and participate in developing the region into a test arena. The focus is on preventive health with an implementation plan to establish Stavanger as a test arena and a regional R&D lab as an engine of insight.
Through the project, I have gained new insight and understanding of the interaction between the public, academia and private business and the ability to build bridges and networks across these. In the development of test arenas, business clusters and networks, I have contributed in creating a culture and a meeting place for knowledge building and collaboration. This involves testing technology, working methods, and developing future solutions for smart societies.
New public services can be developed in the cloud that citizens have access to. This is done through cooperation and co-creation on a shared digital platform between businesses, as well as companies and the public sector as a customer. It will be easier to interact, share and search for information on a platform with better utilization of resources where economic, environmental, and societal effect can be analysed. Better business models, service systems and customer experiences can then be created.
Bolder must take advantage of opportunities such as pilot testing of a new conference solution at Nordic Edge Expo this autumn. This will create commitment, get people introduced and connected in the future and can be taken further out in the Active Stavanger test arena. Bolder will create a new industry where others in the world see Norway as a test arena and where collaboration and knowledge building will contribute to further develop Stavanger's position as a leading smart city. The implementation plan that I have prepared is designed to involve and take into account important stakeholders with partners and citizens as active participants.
Contributed to the provision of R&D funding from Innovation Norway to Bolder and Stavanger Municipality to develop and test two pilot services on a new citizen platform for better public health; My Everyday Hike and My Meeting Place.