
Climate Reporting, Investments and Finance

Climate Reporting, Investments and Finance

February 10, 2021 / Perspectives / By Sindy S Birkelid

Climate Reporting,

Investments and Finance

With important megatrends around investments and finance, more people are investing in renewable shares and are concerned that their total footprint is reduced.

Sustainable investments are more in demand where InMyShoe work actively towards the Paris Agreement and where we exclude those who do great damage to the environment. The crisis around Covid 19 also contributes to a kickstart towards the green shift where we take changes that are happening in the world seriously. By working purposefully, we should adapt to the changes that are happening and facilitate the green shift. By making demands and using various instruments, incentives for what we want are considered, and more taxes to what we do not want are given.

Climate reporting is becoming just as important as financial reporting. Reporting will also be more transparent for companies and individuals in the future, and the more information we receive, the faster the green shift will take place. It is about the competitiveness for Norwegian companies and our opportunity to be profitable in the future.

Climate budget as an important management tool:

The EU is now coming with a set of reporting criteria that apply to both individual companies and to green activities, as well as funds that report how this is composed. There are strict criteria around sustainability and solutions that enables us to achieve the goals. Having qualitative goals on how to reduce footprints in the future is relevant both in relation to circulation and to the use of resources and materials. The EU defines how to measure, and what makes up a sustainable company as well as to what its deliveries should be.

Many companies have a combination and want to find out how sustainable they can be. Analysing and ranking organisations on several criteria from the scale of 0-100 can be used as a starting point when selecting suppliers into the value chain.  Agreements, licenses and subscriptions can be excluded, and a more solution-oriented subscription services can be chosen to get more of the good. Investors can also influence where they take their power of ownership and say that to be involved, they want a change in the company. This is because there is a great risk associated with the environment and environmental damage in the future and they do not want customers to be exposed to that risk. They will invest in companies that can withstand the restructuring which will take place in the future.

Green technology platforms:

Analysis of how sustainable companies are can be obtained partially from an external source, and by getting an overview of running costs on various suppliers in your the value chain. This can be done by sorting them by price, locally and short-haul, and whether they score on green responsibility. In this way we will be able to make better decisions about whether to cancel, renew or replace the service based on more cost-effective and sustainable solutions on a technology platform. We will also be in a better position to influence change.




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